The Order of the Most Holy Savior
Ordo Sanctissimi Salvatoris

Monastic & Apostolic Life
In the spirit of humility and simplicity, our life of Prayer and Adoration is lived out in a semi-cloistered contemplative service. Whether you are single and considering a religious vocation, or looking for ways to grow closer to God as a layperson, we welcome you.
The apostolic life, through which the sisters of the Order of Saint Bridget engage in the modern world, has diverse forms. Central to its apostolic charism is hospitality, traditional to all monasticism, which in its Bridgettine form translates into the provision of guest houses where individuals and groups from all Christian traditions or none are warmly welcomed and looked after. Our sisters also work with youth, evangelize, have nursery schools, to name but some of their other activities.
Inseparable from this apostolic life, and giving the apostolic life its source of power and energy is the Bridgettine prayer life which is deeply rooted in the Eucharist in daily Mass and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament; the singing of the Divine Office, and special devotion to the humanity of Christ, especially to the Passion (our family motto is My Love has been crucified: Amor Meus Crucifixus est), and an intense filial devotion to the Mother of God.
The happy synthesis of monastic and apostolic life characterizes the Order of Saint Bridget, constantly attracts new postulants and novices, and reminds all of the need to live their Christian lives in the constant presence and remembrance of God our Saviour. Prayer intentions Unity of all Christians, and conversion of all nations to the One True Faith and One True Fold, for the Supreme Pontiff and the Priesthood.​
Religious Vocation - Prayer & Hospitality
​The order's active apostolate here in Darien Connecticut lies in its contacts with those who come to stay in the Guest House, which Mother Elizabeth wished established as a means of furthering the reunion of all Christians. The Guest House welcomes members of all faiths who desire rest in spiritual surroundings and the opportunity for inner renewal which such private retreats offer. The active work of the Order lies in ministering to the needs to their guests to the fullest extent possible.
Besides managing the Guest-House, the nuns do artwork, make vestments and rosaries. Although the nuns do not go out for formal education, they are permitted to study art, music or languages under the guidance of professional teachers who are called to the house.
Recreation is taken daily, and may be spent in light occupation, such as needle-work, or in informal exercise and relaxation.
Postulants, Novices and Junior-professed are given a course in Theology as part of their training.
An aspirant to the Birgittine Order should have an ardent desire to serve God, normal intelligence, and moral fitness and good health.
Lay Vocation - Bridgettine Oblates
All the faithful of every rank and status are called to the fullness of Christian life and to the perfection of charity. Lay people are called live out their holiness at work, in their family and in social action through prayer.