Marguerite Harris commissioned the Rambusch Co for this stain glass window. It was designed by Viggo F.E. Rambush who also assisted in designing the chapel.
Above: St. Brigitta (left) St. Catherine (right)
Lower: St. Catherine ( left); St. Brigitta (middle); St. Richard Reynolds is also shown twice in the window beside the altar, together with St Birgitta and St Richard Reynolds ( right).
Notes from Dr. Albert Ryle Kezel
Saint Catherine of Sweden from Wikepedia
Saint Catherine of Sweden, Katarina av Vadstena, Catherine of Vadstena or Katarina Ulfsdotter (c. 1332 – 24 March 1381) was a Swedish saint. Her father was Ulf Gudmarsson, Lord of Ulvåsa, and her mother was Saint Birgitta (known as Birgitta Birgersdotter of Finsta in her lifetime).[2]
At the age of twelve or thirteen she married Lord Eggert van Kyren,[1] a very religious young nobleman of German descent whom she persuaded to take a vow of absolute chastity, and both lived in a state of virginity.[2]Catherine accompanied her mother to Rome in 1349, and soon upon arrival heard news of her husband's death. Catherine is said to have written a devotional work entitled Consolation of the Soul (in medieval Swedish Siælinna tröst, or Själens tröst in modern Swedish), a dated copy from 1407 is still in existence.
She stayed on with her mother, accompanied her on several journeys, including one to the Holy Land. At the death of Bridget, Catherine returned to Sweden with her mother's body, which was buried at the great monastery of Vadstena.[3] Catherine became head of the Brigittine convent at Vadstena Abbey, founded by her mother.[2] Catherine took on the task of forming the community in the rule her mother had written and directing the Order of the Holy Savior, or Bridgettines. After some years, she returned to Rome to work for her mother's canonization. She stayed there five years and formed a close friendship with Catherine of Siena.[3]
In 1484, Pope Innocent VIII gave permission for Catherine's veneration as a saint and her feast was assigned to 22 March in the Roman martyrology. St. Catherine is generally represented with a hind (female red deer) at her side, which is said to have come to her aid "when unchaste youths sought to ensnare her".[2]
In 1488, Pope Innocent VIII gave permission for the translation of her relics in Vadstena. The formal beatification and canonization process, which also documented the required miracles,[4] was never completed because of the Protestant Reformation.[5]
From Wikipedia
Saint Richard Reynolds, O.Ss.S ( c. 1492—4 May 1535) was an English Brigittine monk executed in London for refusing the Oath of Supremacy to King Henry VIII of England. He was canonised by Pope Paul VI in 1970, among the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales.
Richard Reynolds was a Bridgettine monk of the Syon Abbey, founded in Twickenham by Henry V. He was born in Devon in 1492, educated at Corpus Christi, Cambridge, and joined the Abbey in 1513.[3] Cardinal Pole is quoted as saying that Reynolds was the only English monk well-versed in the three principal languages of Latin, Greek and Hebrew.[4]
Dom Hamilton is of the opinion that as Reynolds was the most renowned spiritual counsellor of the Syon community, he would have likely been consulted by Elizabeth Barton, the Holy Maid of Kent, who had been executed at Tyburn almost a year prior for speaking out against the king's marriage to Anne Boleyn. Reynolds had previously arranged a meeting between Elizabeth Barton and Thomas More. It was his connection to Barton that particularly compromised Reynolds in the view of the Crown officers.[4]
Reynolds was arrested and imprisoned in the Tower of London around the middle of April 1535, along with the Carthusian priors John Houghton,[5] Robert Lawrence and Augustine Webster (a monk of Sheen Priory in Richmond). All four were tried for the denial of the royal supremacy.